Flow in Sync

Cycle Coaching

There is a world of information out there. You can readily learn about "cycle syncing," the science of menstrual cycles, and hear stories from other women about their journeys with periods, pregnancy, and beyond. It's beautiful that we live in a time when information is so accessible!

On the flip side, it can be challenging for us to discover what truly supports us. There’s so much conditioning around how we “should” live and a culture that often pushes quick “fixes” onto us. It can feel challenging to silence the noise, get honest with ourselves, find what works for us, and sustainably live a life we love.

It can feel like we have to do more, be more, have more. How exhausting. It’s never enough.

But imagine the immediate benefits of tuning into your body's wisdom.

What do you have access to RIGHT NOW that could transform how you experience your cycles and your life? It's a journey of self-discovery and empowerment, and it starts with a simple act of listening. 

That’s where Flow in Sync coaching comes in!

Flow in Sync coaching centers around helping you discover how to care for YOUR body and YOUR cycles in a way that supports the life you want to live.

“When you flow in sync, you step into a personal, fulfilling, and natural way of life. Listening to your inner wisdom can help you get there!”

— Valencia

Flow in Sync Founder | Certified Menstrual Cycle Coach | Women’s Menstruality Mentor

Flow in Sync Cycle Coaching is a 12-week cycle coaching program that includes:

🌺 Six virtual 1:1 coaching sessions (between 60 to 75-min each)

🌺 Session recap notes sent to you a few days after each session, including any recommendations or prompts for you to consider and digest

🌺 Guided visualization and breathing exercises

🌺 Access to a secure, HIPAA-compliant client portal for easy and safe access to all materials provided or exchanged during our time together

🌺 Text or voice message mentoring in between sessions for you to ask questions, share wins, etc. 

🌺 Access to relevant PDF worksheets and interactive resources to help you reach your goals and explore your menstruality 

🌺 Personalized guidance on how to apply cycle-centered information to your life

🌺 Accountability for the changes and radical self-liberation you experience with this work

🌺 Practices that encourage you to trust yourself and listen more deeply to YOU and your body

🌺 Space to process and fully integrate what you discover during our sessions


This program deeply supports those who:

📖 are just starting to learn about and navigate their cyclical changes

😞 currently despise their period - and the week leading up to it - due to having terrible PMS

🪫 have trouble managing their energy throughout their cycle

😩 struggle with managing irregular cycles or painful periods

🤔 want to understand what "cycle syncing" is and how they can apply it to their lives

😕 wish they felt comfortable talking about their period & body, and want a safe space to open up

🔥 are ready to reclaim their relationship with their body and own their life story

🌱 know that long-lasting transformation involves slow growth, not quick fixes

✋🏼 are ready to drop period-shame and tap into all the juicy wisdom our cycles have for us

♥️ desire holistic, non-judgmental, live coaching sessions that keep them accountable

🫱🏽‍🫲🏾 want personalized guidance to figure out what works for THEM and their body!

Start a new relationship with your body, cycle, and life.