Flow in Sync

Flow in Sync is a women’s health and wellness space crafted with love and intention.

Here we honor the knowing that women are meant to enjoy and flow in sync with the lives they want. By providing coaching sessions, resources, and content, we help our community listen closely to their inner guidance and make healthy choices for their lives.

Every body deserves peace.

Every body can show us what peace looks like for them.

Our intention is to assist women with living a life that feels healthy, authentic, expansive, and supportive.

Flow in Sync is about choosing wellness.

To “flow in sync” does not mean life will always be easy. It does not mean that we will not face challenges. It does not mean that we will not get frustrated or angry or tired. It does not mean we will not make mistakes.

To “flow in sync” means that we choose to be intentional about how we live our lives. We choose to have faith. We choose to find our way back to a grounded place when we’ve strayed. We choose wellness. We listen to the guidance that lives within us and, to the best of our ability, we choose what is good for us.

Our core values include:

Accessibility; using what we have access to RIGHT NOW to experience wellness.

Sustainability; developing practices we can stick to and a healthy life we can maintain.

Making Empowered and Informed Choices; dropping “shoulds,” recognizing that we always have choice, and exercising that choice from a grounded place.

Having Faith; rooting ourselves in beliefs that support who we are, who we can be, and what is meant for our lives.

What you can expect here:

  • educational posts about our menstrual cycles, hormones, and women’s wellness,

  • information and tips on how to reduce (and potentially get rid of!) PMS symptoms,

  • helpful resources for habits like tracking your cycle or educating yourself on topics like birth control,

  • reminders to check-in with yourself and your body’s needs,

  • prompts for reflection and grounding into what is true for YOU

  • action-steps for powerful activation,

  • and so much more!

A message for who you are in this moment:

Thank you for being here.

Thank you for taking the steps needed to honor your body and live intentionally.

You are powerful, radical, lovable, and oh-so appreciated.